2009년 7월 18일 토요일

Working in an Orange farm

As you wish, I got the first job in Australia. It has been a terrible but valuable moment since 2 months. In the end I did it!! I'm proud of myself a little bit at the moment. Now I show you guys what I exactly do here.
Sumar Produce, which is not a family name, the owner named this farm though I don't know what it means. Above all, this farm is too wide to see everything here. I realized that I need a car when I came to this farm. Actually, I didn't think I needed any car in Seoul, but Here...Cars are essential transportation ,and nobody denies that. I tried to get a driver license for getting a better position, there wasn't a lot of chance for strangers. I shall get the license in Korea after this trip!!
My duty is to pick oranges as fast as I can. It's so easy. Everybody can do this job. And we fill in a bin which can take 500 KG of oranges. I was slow at first day, but now I'm almost a professional picker now. Just pick pick pick!! that's all!!21 dollars per bin..honestly it's not high deal. I should have minimum 12 bins a day. Get tired everyday,but It's so peaceful ,and awesome to work with the scenery of the nature. You could understand if you saw this beautiful view around.

Here, enjoy the magnificent views in Griffith!!!

Stupid sheeps

Michele & Peter

Small River

Orange trees


Crazy Billy

댓글 4개:

Erin :

Congratulations on finding a job -- hope you're not TOO tired and having a chance to enjoy Australia.

Sandy (remember from winter camp?) and I are going to be traveling around Australia starting in February -- I'll let you know when we're near you! :)

Bitna Chung :

it's so awesome that you've found a job. i was getting a bit worried about you. having said that, make sure you take care of yourself first. you don't have to get 12 bins every time!

익명 :

Congrats on get a job!!! This is awesome...and it pays better than SEV, no? :P

Bitna Chung :

sorry i had to delete your comment...i know what you meant, but i thought my client might not appreciate it.